Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Correct way Intimate Quick order Pregnant

Married couples who after a few years but still not pregnant, maybe less precise position of the couple during a marital relationship. You both the male and female, should read some books or articles on how to get pregnant quickly relate, in order to assist you in having a baby. Also, choose the right way and place yourself serileks possible, so as not to disturb your mind in sexual relationships. In the article will be given two ways in the relationship in order to obtain a baby. However, these methods will not succeed if it is not accompanied by prayer and remain resigned to the existing circumstances.
How to Intimate For Pregnant Fast

Choosing the right time to get in touch.
By choosing a fertile time for getting in touch to get pregnant quickly is the best solution. However, sometimes a woman will experience progress or setbacks in their menstrual cycle. So how do I fix ?? To the need to consult the doctor to know when your fertile period occurs. And in the relationship, you should focus yourself on two things: the quality of the relationship and the frequency of your body. Do not get in the relationship is done on a daily basis, as this will lead to poor sperm quality in the body of your husband. And do not also make intercourse as a quick way to have a child. Do it casually, not in a hurry and without load, it actually will accelerate you to reach it.

Choosing a Good Position When Dealing
Basically a good position for the marital relationship is by missionaries or classic position. Perhaps the name of this unfamiliar position in your ear. For those of you who want to be clear, you can look for information about the word. How to relate this to get pregnant quickly do you do it in a hurry, and when done, you also need to lie still for the sperm stay in and not out. Perform waiting for approximately 20 to 30 minutes in a lying position.
After learning will relate how to get pregnant quickly, you also need to know tips on what to do in order to get pregnant. Tips to get pregnant quickly include:

Increasing levels of fertility for the husband and wife
Choosing the right frequency and reasonable related
Doing the right touch position
Keep doing the lying position after intercourse
Avoiding tools made pelincin
Will know the fertile period of the wife
Knowing the temperature of the body in the body
Knowing will mucus fertility
Fertility test
Weight while maintaining professional
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Stay relaxed in living
And do schedule to consult a doctor
That discourse and information about how to relate to get pregnant quickly, hopefully discourse and the above information can be useful for those of you who read it.

Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

How to Prevent Pregnancy Naturally For Couple

How to Prevent Pregnancy Naturally For Couple - Many people who crave pregnancy especially for married couples. But for some reason there are some husbands and wives who choose to delay pregnancy. There are various reasons that background it is like still studying, want to develop a career, not ready mentally and financially, or because of health problems. Therefore you have to do things to delay pregnancy. In general there are two ways to delay pregnancy is natural and conventional. Naturally can be done by drinking potions or have sex with calendar system. While the conventional can with injectables, condoms, or other medical drugs.
Here's how to prevent pregnancy naturally you can do, including:


In some areas are still dominated by traditional customs. Many use turmeric as a way to prevent pregnancy. Turmeric can be used as a herbal medicine that makes you not get pregnant until the specified time. The trick to take 2 pieces of turmeric for pinkie. Then roasted over the fire, lest the burning turmeric. After that clean charcoal turmeric, and saffron mash until smooth. Add salt to taste and water one glass of starfruit. Squeeze and strain the pulp turmeric collision. Drink herbal turmeric once a day. In the morning or evening, you can certainly delay the first pregnancy.

Betel Leaf

How to prevent further pregnancies naturally is by using a betel leaf sirih.daun may delay your pregnancy because your ovaries will not work well. The trick grab 5 betel leaves that are not too old, 2 pieces kencur knuckles, 2 pieces of turmeric. 5 leaves key, and water 1 tablespoon whiting. Wash all the ingredients you use, then mashed into one until smooth. Squeeze all the ingredients to produce approximately one cup. Squeeze by using hot water. Or you can boil with 2 cups of water, until the remaining 1 cup only. Then add water whiting. Drink 2 to 3 times a week at a time before eating or when they want to have sex.


This is a way to prevent pregnancy is widely used by the ancients as a natural contraceptive. The trick to take ¼ yeast, half a cup of hot water, 3 drops of vinegar, 1 teaspoon pepper. Mix all ingredients together until evenly distributed. Drink this concoction for about four days late period or when you want to have sex. With this potion you will menstrual smoothly and you also can postpone pregnancy.

Those are some natural ways to prevent pregnancy with traditional medicines. But it is rarely used. Especially herbal medicine by using yeast. Because yeast is very harmful to the body, my advice is better to use the conventional way because it is safer for the body and your health. The traditional way is more natural, but sometimes is not good for our bodies. Thus delaying pregnancy naturally, hopefully can help you all.

Hope It Is Useful ... !!